Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Whew! The Day After!

What a whirlwind the past week has been. I am really looking forward to the quiet and calm of the next few days. Also looking back at the past year and trying to decide what my 2008 adventures should include! Taking inventory of one's life is an interesting concept.

How are you spending the "day after?" are you shopping all those deals? Putting away your tree (not us yet, Mike wants to wait til after New Years Eve)?

Luckily, I am spending time today with Barb. Watch out. Last year it was our post Christmas shopping that got us going on this project, who knows what we will come up with for next year!


  1. The rest of the family had to go back to work today. I'm the only one off so I'm just hanging out with my son and playing with all his new toys.

  2. Happy Day After! I am relaxing, blogging, and maybe even taking a shower (the jury is still out on that one)! I'm enjoying the quiet because everyone who got gift cards have left the building, woohoo!!
    I am also writng my 2008 goals, I started them a week ago, I'm just fine tuning them, and then lastly watching some movies!


  3. No plans today; it's a tough day for my family so we are just spending it together. I do want to do a little recap album or goal setting for 2008 so thanks for the reminder. Girls lunch out, shopping, and present exchange on Friday! :)
