Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wednesday 2/21/07

“I never want to hear that song again. I cannot stand it. I'm allergic to it.”

Simon Cowell quote

I am not a big American Idol fan (gasp!). But, in a strange kind of way I am drawn to Simon Cowell’s honesty. This quote was too perfect for today because there seem to be so many things lately that I cannot stand even one more second of—primarily news stories about things like Anna Nicole Smith and Brittney Spears’s new haircut. I can get into some good Hollywood gossip with the best of them, but really? Aren’t there more serious things we could be talking about?


Greta Adams said...

as shallow as it may sound...i really don't care what ends up with the ANS story i just want to know what made her croke!!!

Britney spears...poor girl she is self destructive and she needs help...

i heart

Beth said...
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Beth said...

I blogged about something like this. Post is from Sept. 9, 2006 - Remembering

Latharia said...

I've got better things to talk (and think) about ... and I posted about it to my blog.